Team Hapka was pleased to be able to interview the co-creators of the Breakfast Burrito News; Lauren Mayhew and Cameron Goodman. The BB News is an online show geared toward the internet generation, from young adults to the young at heart. It is a mixture of sports, celebrity, politics, beauty, music news, and so much more. The Breakfast Burrito news was created late last year, starting with an episode every two weeks. The BB News Team is hoping to make it weekly, with at least an inside look from an ALL NEW show every Wednesday to “satisfy your cravings”. If you would like to learn more about the Breakfast Burrito News, go to: can even e-mail them your questions or comments about the show to
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Lauren Meyhew is a multi-talented actress and musician. Her first major acting role was as Marah Lewis #5 on the soap Guiding Light: from 1998 to 1999. She left that role to go on tour with her pop-music band PYT which she formed with three of her childhood friends. After the PYT members parted ways, she went on to appear in the popular movies "Frat Party", "American Pie 4", and "Raise Your Voice" as well as several TV Shows. She also continues to perform music. She is known in the music world, as Mayhem, and even has a single ”Look Inside”, out on I-Tunes.
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TH: When and how did the interest in bringing the news to people online come about?
LM: I was finishing my last year of college and realized that there weren't any news shows on TV that catered to OUR age demo! We want to know what's going on in the world without being bored to tears! So the fast-paced and funny Breakfast Burrito was born!
TH: What was the process you had to go through in order to get the Breakfast Burrito News up and running?
LM: The hardest part was all of the technical stuff. The website, filming, settings to make sure everything was compatible, editing, etc. The content and segments came naturally! They are so much fun! And we have a blast on the set ALWAYS! The actors/hosts on the show are all amazing to work with!
LM: I was finishing my last year of college and realized that there weren't any news shows on TV that catered to OUR age demo! We want to know what's going on in the world without being bored to tears! So the fast-paced and funny Breakfast Burrito was born!
TH: What was the process you had to go through in order to get the Breakfast Burrito News up and running?
LM: The hardest part was all of the technical stuff. The website, filming, settings to make sure everything was compatible, editing, etc. The content and segments came naturally! They are so much fun! And we have a blast on the set ALWAYS! The actors/hosts on the show are all amazing to work with!
TH: How did the name Breakfast Burrito come about?
LM: Well, we realized that there was no "One Stop Shop" if you will for all things NEWS! You could get you music news here, sports news here, and political news there....But what about for your everyday guy or gal on the run who wants to know the highlights in all sectors?
Problem solved! Just like a Breakfast Burrito where anything from eggs, peppers, to ham can be thrown in to make the tasty treat...Breakfast Burrito news has it all!
TH: How does everyone come up with ideas for what should be on each segment?
LM: We let our CELEB guests pick a topic that is interesting to THEM so that it comes across in their segment!
Cameron and I typically do all the research and write all the bits, but we encourage our CELEB talent to make it their own and add in their own personality!
That is obviously MUCH easier if they are familiar with the topic they are hosting.
TH: I noticed you were on several episodes of the ECW [Extreme Championship Wrestling] on Syfy. Did you meet Mark Hapka through Kurt Angle (since I know they are both in "Beyond the Mat")? If not, how did you meet him and how did Mark guest hosting on the show come about?
LM: Yes. I was the ring announcer and national anthem singer for all the fights for the WWE on SMACKDOWN, ECW, and SUPERSTARS.
[Lauren hosts WWE: Smackdown! and ECW!!]
"Lauren Mayhew hosts the fights and sings the national anthem for WWE. These are clips of her performing from the center of the ring for packed arenas and LIVE on TV across the globe to millions of fans for SMACKDOWN and ECW!"
It was a crazy [whirlwind] of a career choice, but that is not how I met Mark.
I met Mark through a web series that actually became a pilot for MTV called "Private High Musical." We were two of the lead actors! It didn't end up getting picked up, but it should have!
LINK: Private High Musical - Episode 1
LM: Yes. I was the ring announcer and national anthem singer for all the fights for the WWE on SMACKDOWN, ECW, and SUPERSTARS.
[Lauren hosts WWE: Smackdown! and ECW!!]
"Lauren Mayhew hosts the fights and sings the national anthem for WWE. These are clips of her performing from the center of the ring for packed arenas and LIVE on TV across the globe to millions of fans for SMACKDOWN and ECW!"
It was a crazy [whirlwind] of a career choice, but that is not how I met Mark.
I met Mark through a web series that actually became a pilot for MTV called "Private High Musical." We were two of the lead actors! It didn't end up getting picked up, but it should have!
LINK: Private High Musical - Episode 1
TH: What made you decide you wanted to become an actress? Any advice for people who may want to chose acting as a career?
LM: I think when you got the 'acting bug' got it! And boy do I have it! haha
I started in musical theater when I was young, and was always an outgoing little ham as a child. I got into film and TV soon after with my first lead role being a series regular on a PBS show that filmed in Florida called "The Reppies." It just kind of blossomed from there.
Shortly after I ended up getting a series regular role on Guiding Light for 2 years. I played Marah Lewis. So Mark and Molly and I also have the soap connection in common . I actually will have a 2 page spread coming out in "CBS: IN DEPTH" in about a month.
In terms of advice for others, I'd have to be ambitious. Don't wait for roles to just 'COME' to you. If you really love it, create your own content, take classes and improve your craft, and don't be afraid to reach out to representation that could help you. They won't know about you unless you try!
LM: I think when you got the 'acting bug' got it! And boy do I have it! haha
I started in musical theater when I was young, and was always an outgoing little ham as a child. I got into film and TV soon after with my first lead role being a series regular on a PBS show that filmed in Florida called "The Reppies." It just kind of blossomed from there.
Shortly after I ended up getting a series regular role on Guiding Light for 2 years. I played Marah Lewis. So Mark and Molly and I also have the soap connection in common . I actually will have a 2 page spread coming out in "CBS: IN DEPTH" in about a month.
In terms of advice for others, I'd have to be ambitious. Don't wait for roles to just 'COME' to you. If you really love it, create your own content, take classes and improve your craft, and don't be afraid to reach out to representation that could help you. They won't know about you unless you try!

TH: If you could give a piece of advice to someone who wants to put together their own show, what would it be?
CG: Learn how to edit on final cut! It's really fun and you can do so much more with it than some of the simpler programs! You'd be surprised how quickly you can learn with a little help from friends! Basically any question you have you can find an answer online!
TH: What have been the most important turning points in regard to the show? What are you most proud of?
CG: Oooh- cool question. There's always new surprises. I think just as we are feeling like giving up, some new opportunity comes knocking. YouTube and Internet have changed everything so quickly, I love it.
I think getting a few big names to come on the show is awesome- they support our cause! Fun news! Simple news! Summarized news...
Pitching to the networks is really cool. Our most fun meeting was with VH1, definitely. They were so energized about it!
TH: What kinds of things do you want to do with/see come out of the BB News in the future? What are your future goals?
CG: My favorite segment is Shit Got Real and Politi-Call Girl and I'd love to be able to have the resources to get their segments out as events are unfurling.
We'd love to have more audience participation. Thoughts on events from viewers, Reactions to our takes on events, and even full on segments from viewers!
TH: What have you all learned over the past year, putting the show together? Would you do anything differently?
CG: The list is endless... How to light, shoot and edit green screen. For one thing, I've learned what a "codec" is. Lauren has learned a lot about making and maintaining websites! I've also realized I wouldn't want a career in politics- b/c I really hate self- promotion. That's the weird part of making a show... Getting people to watch it
TH: How did the BB News team increase awareness about the show?
CG: All the obvious ways: Twitter, [Facebook], emails, chat rooms... We had a lot of friends post. Lauren's the mastermind behind the business strategy. I'm chief of the artistic side. That's why we love each other!
TH: What have been the most important turning points in regard to the show? What are you most proud of?
CG: Oooh- cool question. There's always new surprises. I think just as we are feeling like giving up, some new opportunity comes knocking. YouTube and Internet have changed everything so quickly, I love it.
I think getting a few big names to come on the show is awesome- they support our cause! Fun news! Simple news! Summarized news...
Pitching to the networks is really cool. Our most fun meeting was with VH1, definitely. They were so energized about it!
TH: What kinds of things do you want to do with/see come out of the BB News in the future? What are your future goals?
CG: My favorite segment is Shit Got Real and Politi-Call Girl and I'd love to be able to have the resources to get their segments out as events are unfurling.
We'd love to have more audience participation. Thoughts on events from viewers, Reactions to our takes on events, and even full on segments from viewers!
TH: What have you all learned over the past year, putting the show together? Would you do anything differently?
CG: The list is endless... How to light, shoot and edit green screen. For one thing, I've learned what a "codec" is. Lauren has learned a lot about making and maintaining websites! I've also realized I wouldn't want a career in politics- b/c I really hate self- promotion. That's the weird part of making a show... Getting people to watch it
TH: How did the BB News team increase awareness about the show?
CG: All the obvious ways: Twitter, [Facebook], emails, chat rooms... We had a lot of friends post. Lauren's the mastermind behind the business strategy. I'm chief of the artistic side. That's why we love each other!
TH: What made you decide you wanted to become an actress? Any advice for people who may want to chose acting as a career?
CG: I don't strongly recommend the career choice simply because so many folks come out here with the impression that getting "discovered" at a CVS happens all the time... The truth is it's an insane amount of work to get your SAG card, reel, manager, agents, then get auditions and then actually BOOK an audition. You’re constantly wondering if you'll ever work again... Even celebrities wonder that! If you’re considering it as a career, make sure to ask yourself the following;
1) Is there any other career that will fulfill me and make me happy?
2) Is God really impressing this career on my heart or am I seeking self-glorification.
CG: I don't strongly recommend the career choice simply because so many folks come out here with the impression that getting "discovered" at a CVS happens all the time... The truth is it's an insane amount of work to get your SAG card, reel, manager, agents, then get auditions and then actually BOOK an audition. You’re constantly wondering if you'll ever work again... Even celebrities wonder that! If you’re considering it as a career, make sure to ask yourself the following;
1) Is there any other career that will fulfill me and make me happy?
2) Is God really impressing this career on my heart or am I seeking self-glorification.
When I said it takes a lot of work, I really meant luck. There are too many things about this job you can't control -- (you're taller than the male lead, they want the part to be Asian, you remind the director of his ex-wife, someone is dating a girl who is up for your part...) you really need grace to get anything in this career! I came out here for a lot of reasons - mainly that I felt this weird pull and a series of coincidences that drew me here. Then I realized I had to try so that at 50 I wouldn't wonder "What if?" But lastly, I gave myself deadlines and a way out so that I wouldn't waste my life trying. You have no idea how many depressed folks there are out here! Don't do that to yourself! Try and love it or try it and move on and be happy!
Thank you to the Breakfast Burrito News team for taking your time to answer our questions.
You can find Lauren and Cameron on Twitter: